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Pierre Vinde

19 mai 2016

When I worked in the Swedish Ministry of Finance, dealing in the 1960’s inter alia with Swedish development aid, I dealt with the follow-up of the Bertrand Report, which resulted in the creation of the UN Development Programme (UNDP). The report was a major step in improving the multilateral development aid system and was warmly supported by the Swedish Government.

Much later, some 25 years later, I had the privilege of meeting and discussing a few times with Maurice Bertrand, in a private capacity, in Paris and in his summer residence at Banon. He was a fascinating personality, extremely stimulating in discussions, bringing in his long experience of the UN system and world affairs. He had a lot of warmth and charm.

We all miss him.

Pierre Vinde
Former Secretaire General Adjoint de l’OECD
Former Assistant Administrator de l’United Nations Development Program (UNDP)